HIMAWARI PROGRAM Women’s Empowerment & Leadership Program

Women in the workplace – Current status

  • 1 in 4

    C-suite executive
    is a woman

    Source : Women in the Workplace 2022 in America study

  • 10 %

    lift of Japan Gross
    Domestic Product

    Source : Womenomics5.0 study

  • 57 .2 %
    vs 51 .5 %

    Overall female vs. male leadership effectiveness ratings

    Source : Women are better leaders during crisis

Himawari Program Outline

Example of Program

  • Step 1

    Company-wide Efforts

    • Diversity & Inclusion workshops

    Duration: 1.5 hrs

  • Step 2

    Live Training & Workshop
    for women to blossom

    • Inner Strengths
    • Outer Growth

    Duration: 2 days

  • Step 3

    Peer to Peer Learning

    • Women Leadership Circle
    • Individual Support 1:1 Executive Coaching

    Frequency: Monthly

  • Step

    Company-wide Efforts

    Diversity & Inclusion workshops

    create a safe space for everyone to contribute their ideas on D&I efforts of the company and align on the actions plan to make D&I show up consistently everyday at work

  • Step

    Live training & Workshop
    for women to blossom

    Inner Strengths

    • Confidence Boosters

      equip participants with leadership growth mindset & effective ways to boost their confidence

    • Ikigai

      assist participants to connect to their heart & design the life that is worth living & leading

    • Resilience Builder

      help participants build their resilience to thrive in leadership

    Outer Growth

    • Vision Writing

      provide participants a great opportunity to create their leadership manifesto

    • Strengths Finder

      help participants identify strengths to lead effectively

    • Personal Branding

      provide participants powerful ways to make their voice heard and their impression last

    • Executive Presence

      help participants learn how to present, influence, inspire & motivate others with their presence

    • Work Life Integration

      train participants to audit their own energy, prioritise what matters to lead both personal & professional life fulfillingly

    • Effective Communications

      help participants identify their own & others’ communication styles for impactful partnership & leadership

  • Step

    Follow up support

    • Peer to Peer learning Women Leadership Circles

      monthly connect to share success & struggles, to lean in and grow together as leaders

    • Individual Support 1:1 Executive Coaching

      bi-weekly/monthly 1:1 coaching on various topics to ensure sustainable growth in leadership


  • Eriko Kawai Senior Advisor


    • BA, Harvard University

    Work experiences

    • McKinsey & Company in France
    • Mercury Asset Management, SG Warburg in UK
    • Yamaichi Regent ABC Polska in Poland
    • BIS in Switzerland
    • OECD in France
    • Professor Kyoto University, Emeritus Professor
    • Kyoto University (Current position)
  • Anh Vu Lam Chief Learning & Organizational Development Officer


    • Associate Certified Coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation
    • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Co-Active Training Institute
    • BA of Business Administration, University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City

    Work experiences

    • Associate Account Director at top global creative advertising agencies
    • Regional Agency Learning & Development Lead at Google Asia Pacific
    • Regional Sales Enablement & Learning Lead at Meta Asia Pacific (former Facebook Asia Pacific)
    • Book author (current role)
    • Executive Coach (current role)
  • Rieko Scheltinga Koopman Coach


    • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Co-Active Training Institute
    • MBA Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management
    • BA Sophia University

    Work experiences

    • KPMG, Dentsu, Owner of a News Agency

Next step

Please provide your initial feedback
Set a meeting to discuss:

  • Company’s goal

  • Structuring program contents based on the goal

  • Schedule and budget

For more information, please contact to:

Emiko Katsuta
Chief Operating Officer

International Management Forum Co., Ltd.

